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U.S. Geological Survey Oceanographic Time-Series Data Collection

Wrightsville Beach

Description: Measurements of bottom currents and waves to investigate the flow field and sediment transport in a rippled scour depression offshore of Wrightsville Beach, NC.

Duration: Mar-May 1996

USGS Principal Investigators: R. Thieler, D. Cacchione, J. Ferreira

Collaborators: Andrew Shepard (NOAA/NURC at UNC-Wilmington); Brad Murray (Duke Univ.); George Voulgaris and Ben Gutierrez (Univ. South Carolina)


Thieler, E.R., Schwab, W.C., and Cacchione, D.A., 1998. Wave and current measurements in a cross-shore scour depression on the shoreface off Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina. Eos Trans. AGU, v. 79, no. 1 (supplement), p. OS61.

Murray, A.B., and Thieler, E.R., 2004. A new hypothesis and exploratory model for the formation of large-scale inner-shelf sediment sorting and "rippled scour depressions": Continental Shelf Research, v. 24, no. 3, p. 295-315.

Gutierrez, B.T., Voulgaris, G., and Thieler, E.R., 2005. Exploring the persistence of sorted bedforms on the inner-shelf of Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina: Continental Shelf Research v.25, no. 1, p.65-90.

Field Activity Reports: 1996-009-FA, 1996-011-FA

Revision History:

  • Original data publication prior to 2006

Please use the following citation when referencing this dataset:

Theiler, E.R.,Cacchione, D.A.,Ferreira, J. Lightsom, F.L., Oceanographic Measurements-- Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina, 1996: U.S. Geological Survey data release,

Data Access

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Catalog of Data Averaged to Hourly

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Station Locations


For more detail about the measurements collected at each site, browse WRIGHTSVILLE.kml (using Google Earth).

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