Description: A series of studies to assess environmental hazards to petroleum development in the Middle Atlantic Bight. Long-term observations of currents and near-bottom processes to document the frequency and processes of near-bottom sediment transport along the U.S. east coast continental margin.
Duration: Dec 1975- Oct 1980
USGS Principal Investigators: B. Butman and M. Noble
Collaborators: Bureau of Land Management (now Minerals Management Service)
Field Activity Reports: 1975-032-FA, 1976-001-FA, 1976-003-FA, 1976-019-FA, 1976-044-FA, 1976-047-FA, 1977-009-FA, 1977-032-FA, 1978-001-FA, 1978-010-FA, 1978-031-FA, 1979-002-FA, 1980-001-FA, 1980-009-FA
Revision History:
Please use the following citation when referencing this dataset:
Butman, Bradfor, Noble, M.A., Lightson, F.L.,Oceanographic Measurements-- Mid Atlantic Bight 1975-1980: U.S. Geologicl Survey data release,
Data Access
Catalog of Data Averaged to Hourly
Data Access via THREDDS (EPIC)
Station Locations
For more detail about the measurements collected at each site, browse MAB_SED.kml (using Google Earth).