Description: This web page provides access to oceanographic, meteorological, and water quality observations made at fourteen locations in Chincoteague Bay as part of the Estuarine Physical Response to Storms (EPR) program. The primary objective was to measure the physical response of the system to storm events, and identify processes that may affect estuarine resilience. Bottom landing platforms with instrumentation to measure currents, waves, water level, optical turbidity, water temperature, conductivity and water quality parameters were deployed at most sites. Downward looking altimeters measured changes in elevation of the seabed. A meteorological station measured atmospheric conditions over the study period.The deployments were in 3 or 4 sequential segments, depending on the site
Duration: Aug. 2014 - Jul. 2015
USGS Principal Investigator: Neil .K. Ganju
Ganju, N.K., Suttles, S.E., Beudin, A., Nowacki, D.J., Miselis, J.L. and Andrews, B.D., 2016, Quantification of storm-induced bathymetric change in a back-barrier estuary. Estuaries and Coasts, pp.1-15.
Nowacki, D. J., Beudin, A., and Ganju, N. K. (2017). Spectral wave dissipation by submerged aquatic vegetation in a back- barrier estuary. Limnology and Oceanography, pp.1–18.
Suttles, S.E., Ganju, N.K, Brosnahan, S.M., Montgomery, E.T., Dickhudt, P.J., Beudin, Alexis, Nowacki, D.J., and Martini, M.A., 2017, Summary of oceanographic and water-quality measurements in Chincoteague Bay, Maryland and Virginia, 2014–15: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2017–1032, 95 p.,
Suttles, S.E., Ganju, N.K., Brosnahan, S.M., Montgomery, E.T., Dickhudt, P.J., Borden, J, and Martini, M.A, 2017, Water samples in support of oceanographic and water-quality measurements in Chincoteague Bay, Maryland and Virginia 2014-15, U.S. Geological Survey Field Activity 2014-048-FA: U.S. Geological Survey data release,
Field Activity Reports: 2014-048-FA, 2014-061-FA, 2015-011-FA, 2015-022-FA, 2015-035-FA
Revision History:
Please use the following citation when referencing this dataset:
Suttles, S.E., Ganju, N.K., Brosnahan, S.M., Montgomery, E.T., Dickhudt, P.J., Borden, Jonathan, and Martini, M.A., 2016, Oceanographic and water-quality measurements in Chincoteague Bay, Maryland/Virginia, 2014 - 2015: U.S. Geological Survey data release,
Data Access
Data Access via THREDDS (EPIC)
Station Locations
For more detail about the measurements collected at each site, browse CHINCOTEAGUE_EPR.kml (using Google Earth).