netcdf ocean-time-series/Stellwagen/FI14/ { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED; // (25040 currently) depth = 52; lon = 1; lat = 1; variables: int time(time=25040); :FORTRAN_format = "F10.2"; :units = "True Julian Day"; :type = "UNEVEN"; :epic_code = 624; // int :datum = "Time (UTC) in True Julian Days: 2440000 = 0000 h on May 23, 1968"; :NOTE = "Decimal Julian day [days] = time [days] + ( time2 [msec] / 86400000 [msec/day] )"; int time2(time=25040); :FORTRAN_format = "F10.2"; :units = "msec since 0:00 GMT"; :type = "UNEVEN"; :epic_code = 624; // int :datum = "Time (UTC) in True Julian Days: 2440000 = 0000 h on May 23, 1968"; :NOTE = "Decimal Julian day [days] = time [days] + ( time2 [msec] / 86400000 [msec/day] )"; float depth(depth=52); :units = "m"; :long_name = "DEPTH (M)"; :FORTRAN_format = "F10.2"; :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float :epic_code = 3.0; // double :type = "EVEN"; :center_first_bin = 0.95; // double :blanking_distance = 0.44; // double :bin_size = 0.3; // double :bin_count = 69.0; // double :WATER_DEPTH = 16.436579f; // float :WATER_DEPTH_source = "water depth = MSL from USGS surface detect algorithm, by trimbins"; :datum = "not yet assigned"; :transducer_offset_from_bottom = 2.115; // double :minimum = 3.065000057220459; // double :maximum = 18.364999771118164; // double :WATER_DEPTH_datum = "not yet assigned"; :NOTE = "uplooking bin depths = water_depth - transducer_offset_from_bottom - bindist"; float bindist(depth=52); :FORTRAN_format = "f10.2"; :units = "m"; :type = "EVEN"; :epic_code = 0; // int :long_name = "bin distance from instrument (m)"; :name = "bindist"; :generic_name = "bindist"; :bin_size = 0.3; // double :transducer_offset_from_bottom = 2.115f; // float :center_first_bin = 0.95f; // float :blanking_distance = 0.44f; // float :sensor_depth = 14.321579f; // float :initial_sensor_height = 2.115f; // float :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float :NOTE = "distance is along profile from instrument head to center of bin"; :minimum = 0.95f; // float :maximum = 16.25f; // float float Rec(time=25040); :FORTRAN_format = "f10.2"; :units = "count"; :type = "EVEN"; :epic_code = 0; // int :long_name = "ensemble number"; :name = "ensemble"; :generic_name = "ensemble"; :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float :minimum = 1240.0f; // float :maximum = 26279.0f; // float float lon(lon=1); :FORTRAN_format = "f10.4"; :units = "degree_east"; :type = "EVEN"; :epic_code = 502; // int :name = "LON"; :long_name = "LONGITUDE"; :generic_name = "lon"; :datum = "NAD83"; float lat(lat=1); :FORTRAN_format = "F10.2"; :units = "degree_north"; :type = "EVEN"; :epic_code = 500; // int :name = "LAT"; :long_name = "LATITUDE"; :generic_name = "lat"; :datum = "NAD83"; float u_1205(time=25040, depth=52, lat=1, lon=1); :name = "u"; :long_name = "Eastward Velocity"; :generic_name = "u"; :FORTRAN_format = " "; :units = "cm/s"; :epic_code = 1205; // int :sensor_type = "RD Instruments ADCP"; :sensor_depth = 14.321579f; // float :initial_sensor_height = 2.115f; // float :height_depth_units = "m"; :serial_number = "767"; :minimum = -58.634438f, -56.20218f, -57.931557f, -55.551895f, -52.45331f, -55.160778f, -59.268375f, -57.004776f, -53.739334f, -61.546356f, -53.51366f, -56.735054f, -55.22594f, -58.404778f, -58.693314f, -55.907932f, -57.419563f, -58.372616f, -57.162697f, -58.712833f, -59.277157f, -57.152752f, -57.221825f, -61.980682f, -60.005478f, -57.856754f, -56.175373f, -57.176098f, -59.728333f, -57.4103f, -59.660275f, -59.453987f, -65.235275f, -58.756f, -59.341312f, -62.313046f, -57.80982f, -60.42495f, -64.43322f, -75.01397f, -69.3106f, -80.051704f, -95.6189f, -106.654076f, -109.3261f, -104.48926f, -109.07647f, -94.93599f, -119.97444f, -100.36964f, -111.02875f, -86.08979f; // float :maximum = 45.876373f, 43.377518f, 52.24639f, 46.57414f, 45.088455f, 47.938606f, 47.729774f, 46.26275f, 50.14168f, 51.027637f, 46.9439f, 50.51897f, 48.539368f, 55.684307f, 57.990326f, 57.047527f, 60.38448f, 68.539444f, 67.971146f, 65.37123f, 67.951065f, 67.80653f, 72.280014f, 70.8161f, 67.32099f, 70.48511f, 69.25755f, 68.88349f, 71.52362f, 77.233734f, 71.95683f, 72.7598f, 76.69537f, 71.769455f, 74.80296f, 76.70938f, 72.41947f, 77.43109f, 83.39359f, 78.53425f, 98.940285f, 102.17847f, 104.63836f, 114.516914f, 110.46141f, 104.01838f, 102.89731f, 79.04098f, 61.364143f, 47.78581f, 44.50962f, 47.553185f; // float :valid_range = -1000.0f, 1000.0f; // float :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float float v_1206(time=25040, depth=52, lat=1, lon=1); :name = "v"; :long_name = "Northward Velocity"; :generic_name = "v"; :FORTRAN_format = " "; :units = "cm/s"; :epic_code = 1206; // int :sensor_type = "RD Instruments ADCP"; :sensor_depth = 14.321579f; // float :initial_sensor_height = 2.115f; // float :serial_number = "767"; :minimum = -22.050806f, -23.008413f, -22.16361f, -20.09942f, -21.70305f, -21.682808f, -25.127949f, -20.22032f, -20.632812f, -24.295076f, -22.465128f, -25.870354f, -19.963535f, -20.152578f, -22.011978f, -21.6882f, -22.57568f, -21.394663f, -22.141626f, -20.02892f, -41.67767f, -40.616905f, -27.334742f, -23.699488f, -25.670345f, -23.909105f, -23.677765f, -25.199827f, -23.701733f, -28.183268f, -24.5912f, -24.133057f, -28.090374f, -29.57791f, -30.212965f, -26.506618f, -31.773624f, -34.419815f, -35.62498f, -60.107304f, -82.65068f, -91.3409f, -101.33029f, -114.17458f, -121.868195f, -107.976746f, -103.866615f, -88.28456f, -70.968765f, -53.693478f, -60.223804f, -57.410072f; // float :maximum = 27.314486f, 24.387224f, 25.809313f, 29.644173f, 24.470394f, 23.679789f, 25.26316f, 26.761517f, 24.555912f, 27.180254f, 28.286276f, 27.488108f, 25.224123f, 25.761337f, 24.282309f, 24.43312f, 23.053822f, 21.062588f, 22.948318f, 23.466612f, 23.019156f, 22.539465f, 23.091764f, 26.486244f, 30.923607f, 22.764267f, 20.295568f, 21.405802f, 21.105335f, 25.641256f, 25.493502f, 22.531109f, 24.589602f, 23.251204f, 26.627655f, 28.721321f, 27.004059f, 32.095497f, 38.243645f, 47.344097f, 57.680515f, 78.78283f, 93.7836f, 79.36974f, 89.03944f, 95.61137f, 95.155045f, 70.82473f, 73.74113f, 54.126003f, 44.63929f, 39.308895f; // float :valid_range = -1000.0f, 1000.0f; // float :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float float w_1204(time=25040, depth=52, lat=1, lon=1); :name = "w"; :long_name = "Vertical Velocity"; :generic_name = "w"; :FORTRAN_format = " "; :units = "cm/s"; :epic_code = 1204; // int :sensor_type = "RD Instruments ADCP"; :sensor_depth = 14.321579f; // float :initial_sensor_height = 2.115f; // float :serial_number = "767"; :minimum = -5.6404467f, -5.1741877f, -5.2079506f, -6.020501f, -5.288882f, -6.0216f, -5.209303f, -6.27288f, -6.2686257f, -6.075916f, -6.227744f, -5.918409f, -7.0984516f, -5.8458014f, -6.823719f, -7.3911033f, -6.2987885f, -6.0335965f, -6.9926877f, -6.795335f, -6.8533998f, -6.6346f, -6.5686374f, -6.9837317f, -6.4877534f, -6.3691206f, -6.5641174f, -6.4646425f, -6.58378f, -6.213291f, -6.5334673f, -6.0055237f, -6.042751f, -5.5759478f, -6.6405606f, -6.3183722f, -5.7108502f, -6.3748603f, -6.2233076f, -8.354562f, -9.405885f, -12.597795f, -16.549818f, -12.704714f, -11.807162f, -10.713523f, -10.597943f, -8.858791f, -11.011747f, -11.2415905f, -13.535239f, -12.179538f; // float :maximum = 4.4220753f, 4.107374f, 5.1383185f, 4.341388f, 4.2737484f, 4.0053716f, 4.0301003f, 4.349609f, 4.7076173f, 4.9508133f, 5.6676807f, 7.2549806f, 6.9559903f, 8.4545355f, 7.8213396f, 9.184051f, 5.976706f, 6.8250465f, 7.091098f, 8.559463f, 8.276618f, 5.6748977f, 5.8428264f, 4.902679f, 4.9573293f, 5.3163924f, 5.3464656f, 5.9873066f, 5.3438115f, 5.511831f, 8.426066f, 6.2588773f, 5.085907f, 5.8026476f, 6.0218334f, 5.605275f, 5.877016f, 6.1092157f, 8.895674f, 10.605094f, 13.154906f, 12.614373f, 14.242369f, 13.71309f, 13.312174f, 17.300388f, 13.237929f, 10.700946f, 14.610436f, 8.167365f, 6.747844f, 5.006173f; // float :valid_range = -1000.0f, 1000.0f; // float :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float float Werr_1201(time=25040, depth=52, lat=1, lon=1); :name = "Werr"; :long_name = "Error Velocity"; :generic_name = "w"; :FORTRAN_format = "F8.1"; :units = "cm/s"; :epic_code = 1201; // int :sensor_type = "RD Instruments ADCP"; :sensor_depth = 14.321579f; // float :initial_sensor_height = 2.115f; // float :height_depth_units = "m"; :serial_number = "767"; :minimum = -7.4005194f, -7.0002356f, -6.9998865f, -7.4500217f, -6.649917f, -7.4001703f, -7.6500874f, -7.4497557f, -8.149874f, -11.149764f, -8.400026f, -10.699842f, -12.399734f, -10.550078f, -14.300013f, -14.199869f, -9.300017f, -12.449546f, -7.6996202f, -7.400118f, -7.700135f, -8.249485f, -8.149979f, -9.100018f, -10.6001005f, -9.199847f, -9.699952f, -8.550004f, -12.249677f, -13.099629f, -16.849419f, -15.89976f, -11.84983f, -8.399345f, -7.89983f, -8.39993f, -9.349847f, -10.949974f, -13.550031f, -19.700466f, -18.050947f, -18.999638f, -18.949354f, -18.898901f, -20.449812f, -18.30025f, -15.850514f, -16.650415f, -17.50061f, -18.900545f, -17.50099f, -16.95048f; // float :maximum = 7.799926f, 7.0499783f, 7.950541f, 7.2002487f, 6.7998605f, 8.499768f, 6.5995507f, 7.6001787f, 7.5000916f, 6.8500175f, 7.4498734f, 7.0500917f, 7.9504843f, 7.449703f, 7.100026f, 7.299913f, 7.450231f, 6.649629f, 7.9497643f, 8.200581f, 7.250288f, 7.7004013f, 7.299974f, 8.650667f, 10.00034f, 11.599943f, 12.949847f, 7.000013f, 18.200008f, 8.250056f, 8.100009f, 8.85041f, 7.4498124f, 9.250537f, 8.500393f, 8.649965f, 9.949778f, 9.850646f, 14.350751f, 20.15126f, 20.849607f, 18.001074f, 22.101078f, 19.900833f, 18.600119f, 16.80049f, 14.199459f, 13.800065f, 17.94884f, 17.749445f, 14.548743f, 20.19924f; // float :valid_range = 2000.0; // double :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float float AGC_1202(time=25040, depth=52, lat=1, lon=1); :name = "AGC"; :long_name = "Average Echo Intensity (AGC)"; :generic_name = "AGC"; :FORTRAN_format = "F5.1"; :units = "counts"; :epic_code = 1202; // int :sensor_type = "RD Instruments ADCP"; :sensor_depth = 14.321579f; // float :initial_sensor_height = 2.115f; // float :height_depth_units = "m"; :serial_number = "767"; :norm_factor = 0.45; // double :NOTE = "normalization to db"; :minimum = 130.5f, 128.25f, 124.25f, 121.0f, 117.75f, 115.25f, 105.5f, 99.75f, 96.25f, 93.75f, 92.5f, 90.5f, 87.75f, 86.5f, 85.25f, 83.75f, 82.5f, 81.0f, 80.5f, 81.5f, 81.75f, 81.25f, 78.75f, 77.75f, 77.0f, 76.75f, 78.75f, 80.5f, 80.25f, 78.75f, 79.25f, 77.75f, 77.0f, 75.75f, 76.0f, 75.25f, 75.25f, 75.25f, 77.25f, 75.75f, 76.75f, 83.75f, 90.5f, 98.0f, 92.25f, 94.5f, 96.75f, 98.25f, 102.5f, 107.25f, 100.75f, 92.25f; // float :maximum = 212.75f, 210.0f, 207.25f, 204.5f, 201.25f, 198.0f, 194.75f, 192.0f, 189.5f, 187.75f, 185.5f, 186.0f, 186.25f, 187.0f, 187.5f, 186.75f, 186.0f, 184.75f, 184.25f, 186.5f, 187.5f, 187.0f, 186.0f, 185.0f, 186.25f, 187.5f, 187.75f, 188.5f, 188.75f, 189.25f, 189.25f, 189.75f, 190.5f, 191.25f, 193.0f, 193.25f, 194.25f, 196.5f, 200.0f, 203.25f, 206.0f, 210.0f, 209.0f, 206.75f, 205.0f, 204.75f, 204.75f, 199.5f, 197.75f, 191.0f, 182.25f, 173.25f; // float :valid_range = 255.0, 255.0; // double :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float float PGd_1203(time=25040, depth=52, lat=1, lon=1); :name = "PGd"; :long_name = "Percent Good Pings"; :generic_name = "PGd"; :FORTRAN_format = " "; :units = "percent"; :epic_code = 1203; // int :sensor_type = "RD Instruments ADCP"; :sensor_depth = 14.321579f; // float :initial_sensor_height = 2.115f; // float :height_depth_units = "m"; :serial_number = "767"; :minimum = 82.5f, 85.0f, 90.0f, 89.0f, 89.0f, 90.0f, 87.5f, 90.5f, 84.5f, 78.5f, 84.5f, 75.0f, 77.5f, 77.0f, 79.5f, 79.5f, 74.0f, 79.0f, 73.0f, 77.0f, 67.0f, 67.0f, 55.5f, 54.5f, 55.0f, 54.5f, 48.5f, 45.5f, 50.5f, 55.5f, 52.0f, 65.5f, 62.5f, 56.5f, 47.0f, 38.0f, 33.0f, 25.0f, 36.0f, 31.5f, 39.0f, 43.5f, 41.0f, 49.5f, 58.5f, 52.5f, 62.5f, 64.0f, 63.0f, 69.0f, 67.0f, 67.0f; // float :maximum = 100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f; // float :valid_range = 0.0, 100.0; // double :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float :NOTE = "Average of values"; float brange(time=25040, lat=1, lon=1); :name = "brange"; :long_name = "range from instrument head to boundary"; :generic_name = "brange"; :FORTRAN_format = "f10.2"; :units = "m"; :epic_code = 0; // int :sensor_type = "RD Instruments ADCP"; :sensor_depth = 14.321579f; // float :initial_sensor_height = 2.115f; // float :height_depth_units = "m"; :minimum = 13.012285f; // float :maximum = 15.997301f; // float :serial_number = "767"; :valid_range = 0.0f, 100.0f; // float :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float :NOTE = "range to boundary based on findsurface.m output"; float Tx_1211(time=25040, lat=1, lon=1); :name = "Tx"; :long_name = "instrument Transducer Temp."; :generic_name = "temp"; :units = "degrees.C"; :epic_code = 1211; // int :sensor_type = "RD Instruments ADCP"; :sensor_depth = 14.321579f; // float :initial_sensor_height = 2.115f; // float :height_depth_units = "m"; :serial_number = "767"; :minimum = 1.24f; // float :maximum = 8.5f; // float :valid_range = -5.0, 40.0; // double :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float float SV_80(time=25040, lat=1, lon=1); :name = "SV"; :long_name = "SOUND VELOCITY (M/S)"; :generic_name = " "; :units = "m s-1"; :epic_code = 80; // int :sensor_type = "RD Instruments ADCP"; :sensor_depth = 14.321579f; // float :initial_sensor_height = 2.115f; // float :height_depth_units = "m"; :serial_number = "767"; :minimum = 1455.0f; // float :maximum = 1485.0f; // float :valid_range = 1400.0f, 1600.0f; // float :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float float Hdg_1215(time=25040, lat=1, lon=1); :name = "Hdg"; :long_name = "INST Heading "; :generic_name = "hdg"; :epic_code = 1215; // int :units = "degrees"; :FORTRAN_format = "f10.2"; :sensor_type = "RD Instruments ADCP"; :sensor_depth = 14.321579f; // float :initial_sensor_height = 2.115f; // float :height_depth_units = "m"; :serial = 767; // int :minimum = 230.44f; // float :maximum = 238.12001f; // float :valid_range = 0.0f, 360.0f; // float :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float :heading_alignment_EH = 0.0f; // float :heading_bias_EB = 0.0f; // float :NOTE = "no heading bias was applied by EB during deployment or by wavesmon"; float Ptch_1216(time=25040, lat=1, lon=1); :name = "Ptch"; :long_name = "INST Pitch "; :generic_name = "ptch"; :epic_code = 1216; // int :units = "degrees"; :FORTRAN_format = "f10.2"; :sensor_type = "RD Instruments ADCP"; :sensor_depth = 14.321579f; // float :initial_sensor_height = 2.115f; // float :height_depth_units = "m"; :serial = 767; // int :minimum = -2.59f; // float :maximum = 0.02f; // float :valid_range = -180.0f, 180.0f; // float :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float float Roll_1217(time=25040, lat=1, lon=1); :name = "Roll"; :long_name = "INST Roll "; :generic_name = "roll"; :epic_code = 1217; // int :units = "degrees"; :FORTRAN_format = "f10.2"; :sensor_type = "RD Instruments ADCP"; :sensor_depth = 14.321579f; // float :initial_sensor_height = 2.115f; // float :height_depth_units = "m"; :serial = 767; // int :minimum = -4.95f; // float :maximum = -3.27f; // float :valid_range = -180.0f, 180.0f; // float :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float float P_1294(time=25040, lat=1, lon=1); :name = "P"; :long_name = "Pressure at Transducer Head"; :generic_name = "pres"; :units = "deca-pascals"; :FORTRAN_format = "f15.2"; :epic_code = 1294; // int :sensor_type = "RD Instruments ADCP"; :sensor_depth = 14.321579f; // float :initial_sensor_height = 2.115f; // float :height_depth_units = "m"; :serial_number = "767"; :minimum = 13607.0f; // float :maximum = 16213.0f; // float :valid_range = 136070.0, 162130.0; // double :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float :AZ_applied = "unknown"; :NOTE = "pressure NOT zeroed before deployment"; :DATA_CMNT = "Pressure data may have been degraded by sediment clogging the port. Use with caution!"; float SDP_850(time=25040, lat=1, lon=1); :epic_code = 850; // int :name = "SDP"; :long_name = "STAND. DEV. (PRESS) "; :generic_name = "pres"; :units = "mbar"; :sensor_type = "RD Instruments ADCP"; :sensor_depth = 14.321579f; // float :initial_sensor_height = 2.115f; // float :height_depth_units = "m"; :serial_number = "767"; :minimum = 180.0f; // float :maximum = 12560.0f; // float :valid_range = 0.0f, 5000.0f; // float :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float :DATA_CMNT = "Pressure data may have been degraded by sediment clogging the port. Use with caution!"; :comment = "measurement relative to ambient (sea-level): no additional adjustment for atmospheric press. made"; :NOTE = "pressure NOT zeroed before deployment"; // global attributes: :CREATION_DATE = "24-Oct-2014 14:35:47"; :MOORING = "992"; :platform_type = "minipod tripod"; :Deployment_date = "7-Feb-2014"; :Recovery_date = "5-May-2014"; :INST_TYPE = "RD Instruments ADCP"; :history = "Transformed to earth coordinates by bm2geo, transformation matrix in ..\\ancillary\\wh767_010114.dlg;\\n\\n Written to an EPIC standard data file by adcp2ep SVN $Revision: 2101 $; \\ndata above the surface were masked by pressuremask version\\ndata above the surface were masked by SVN $Revision: 1602 $ version\\nBins were trimmed by trimbinsNative SVN $Revision: 2101 $ using 94% of the findsurface.m output.\\nConverted to netCDF via MATLAB by rdi2cdfNative SVN $Revision: 2143 $\\n"; :latitude = 40.61925; // double :latitude_units = "degree_north"; :longitude = -73.184023; // double :longitude_units = "degree_east"; :firmware_version = 51.4; // double :frequency = 600.0; // double :beam_width = 2.0; // double :beam_pattern = "convex"; :sensor_configuration = 1.0; // double :transducer_attached = "1"; :orientation = "UP"; :beam_angle = 20.0; // double :janus = "4 Beam"; :simulated_data = 0.0; // double :lag_length = 53.0; // double :beams_in_velocity_calculation = 4.0; // double :pings_per_ensemble = 50.0; // double :profiling_mode = 1.0; // double :pred_accuracy = 1.93; // double :valid_correlation_range = 64.0, 255.0; // double :code_repetitions = 2.0; // double :minmax_percent_good = 0.0, 100.0; // double :error_velocity_threshold = 2000.0; // double :time_between_ping_groups = 1.0; // double :transform = "EARTH"; :Sound_speed_computed_from_ED_ES_ET = "YES"; :ED_taken_from_depth_sensor = "YES"; :EH_taken_from_transducer_heading_sensor = "YES"; :EP_taken_from_transducer_pitch_sensor = "YES"; :ER_taken_from_transducer_roll_sensor = "YES"; :ET_taken_from_temperature_sensor = "YES"; :depth_sensor = "YES"; :heading_sensor = "YES"; :pitch_sensor = "YES"; :roll_sensor = "YES"; :conductivity_sensor = "NO"; :temperature_sensor = "YES"; :transmit_pulse_length_cm = 48.0; // double :NOTE_1 = "transmit_pulse_length units are cm"; :starting_water_layer = 1.0; // double :ending_water_layer = 5.0; // double :false_target_reject_values = 255.0, 255.0; // double :transmit_lag_distance = 25.0; // double :NOTE_2 = "transmit_lag_distance units are cm"; :serial_number = "767"; :center_first_bin = 0.95; // double :blanking_distance = 0.44; // double :bin_size = 0.3; // double :bin_count = 69.0; // double :WATER_DEPTH = 16.436579f; // float :WATER_DEPTH_source = "water depth = MSL from USGS surface detect algorithm, by trimbins"; :WATER_DEPTH_datum = "not yet assigned"; :transducer_offset_from_bottom = 2.115f; // float :NOTE_3 = "bin depths are relative to the seabed"; :VAR_FILL = 1.0E35f; // float :modification_date = "24-Oct-2014 14:35:52"; :initial_instrument_height = 2.115f; // float :initial_instrument_height_note = "height in meters above bottom: accurate for tripod mounted instruments"; :nominal_sensor_depth = 14.321579f; // float :nominal_sensor_depth_note = "inst_depth = (water_depth - inst_height); nominal depth below surface, meters"; :DATA_TYPE = "ADCP"; :DATA_SUB_TYPE = "MOORED"; :COORD_SYSTEM = "GEOGRAPHIC"; :WATER_MASS = "?"; :POS_CONST = 0; // int :DEPTH_CONST = 0; // int :DRIFTER = 0; // int :DATA_ORIGIN = "USGS WHCMSC Sediment Transport Group"; :Conventions = "PMEL/EPIC"; :EXPERIMENT = "Fire Island 2014"; :PROJECT = "USGS Coastal Marine Geology Program"; :DESCRIPT = "Site 3"; :DATA_CMNT = " "; :SciPi = "J. Warner"; :magnetic_variation_at_site = -13.43f; // float :magnetic_variation_applied = -13.43f; // float :FILL_FLAG = 0; // int :COMPOSITE = 0; // int :DELTA_T = "300"; :start_time = "07-Feb-2014 16:06:30"; :stop_time = "05-May-2014 14:41:30"; :salinity_set_by_user = 35.0f; // float :salinity_set_by_user_units = "PPT"; :VAR_DESC = "bindist:ensemble:u:v:w:Werr:AGC:PGd:brange:Tx:SV:Hdg:Ptch:Roll:P:SDP"; }