netcdf ocean-time-series/Stellwagen/FI14/ { dimensions: lat = 1; lon = 1; time = 6276; depth = 24; variables: int time(time=6276); :FORTRAN_format = "F10.2"; :units = "True Julian Day"; :type = "UNEVEN"; :epic_code = 624.0; // double :datum = "Time (UTC) in True Julian Days: 2440000 = 0000 h on May 23, 1968"; :NOTE = "Decimal Julian day [days] = time [days] + ( time2 [msec] / 86400000 [msec/day] )"; int time2(time=6276); :FORTRAN_format = "F10.2"; :units = "msec since 0:00 GMT"; :type = "UNEVEN"; :epic_code = 624.0; // double :datum = "Time (UTC) in True Julian Days: 2440000 = 0000 h on May 23, 1968"; :NOTE = "Decimal Julian day [days] = time [days] + ( time2 [msec] / 86400000 [msec/day] )"; float lat(lat=1); :FORTRAN_format = "F10.4"; :units = "degree_north"; :type = "EVEN"; :epic_code = 500.0; // double float lon(lon=1); :FORTRAN_format = "F10.4"; :units = "degree_east"; :type = "EVEN"; :epic_code = 502.0; // double float depth(depth=24); :units = "m"; :type = "EVEN"; :epic_code = 3.0; // double :long_name = "mean water depth"; :sensor_type = "Nortek AWAC"; :sensor_depth = 10.72745204139014; // double :initial_sensor_height = 2.124; // double :height_depth_units = "m"; :serial_number = "WAV 5314"; float u_1205(time=6276, depth=24, lat=1, lon=1); :name = "u"; :long_name = "Eastward Velocity"; :generic_name = "u"; :units = "cm/s"; :FORTRAN_format = " "; :epic_code = 1205.0; // double :valid_range = " "; :sensor_type = "Nortek AWAC"; :sensor_depth = 10.72745204139014; // double :initial_sensor_height = 2.124; // double :height_depth_units = "m"; :serial_number = "WAV 5314"; :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float :minimum = -105.99121856689453; // double :maximum = 99.71847534179688; // double float v_1206(time=6276, depth=24, lat=1, lon=1); :name = "v"; :long_name = "Northward Velocity"; :generic_name = "v"; :units = "cm/s"; :FORTRAN_format = " "; :epic_code = 1206.0; // double :valid_range = " "; :sensor_type = "Nortek AWAC"; :sensor_depth = 10.72745204139014; // double :initial_sensor_height = 2.124; // double :height_depth_units = "m"; :serial_number = "WAV 5314"; :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float :minimum = -67.04898834228516; // double :maximum = 53.223690032958984; // double float w_1204(time=6276, depth=24, lat=1, lon=1); :name = "w"; :long_name = "Vertical Velocity"; :generic_name = "w"; :units = "cm/s"; :FORTRAN_format = " "; :epic_code = 1204.0; // double :valid_range = " "; :sensor_type = "Nortek AWAC"; :sensor_depth = 10.72745204139014; // double :initial_sensor_height = 2.124; // double :height_depth_units = "m"; :serial_number = "WAV 5314"; :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float :minimum = -53.85399627685547; // double :maximum = 8.760274887084961; // double float P_1(time=6276, lat=1, lon=1); :FORTRAN_format = "F10.1"; :units = "dbar"; :type = "EVEN"; :epic_code = 1.0; // double :name = "P"; :long_name = "PRESSURE (DB) "; :generic_name = "depth"; :valid_range = 0.0, 10000.0; // double :sensor_type = "Nortek AWAC"; :sensor_depth = 10.72745204139014; // double :initial_sensor_height = 2.124; // double :height_depth_units = "m"; :serial_number = "WAV 5314"; :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float :minimum = 9.449999809265137; // double :maximum = 12.213000297546387; // double float Tx_1211(time=6276, lat=1, lon=1); :FORTRAN_format = "F10.2"; :units = "C"; :type = "EVEN"; :epic_code = 1211.0; // double :name = "T"; :long_name = "instrument Transducer Temp."; :generic_name = "temp"; :valid_range = 0.0, 100.0; // double :sensor_type = "Nortek AWAC"; :sensor_depth = 10.72745204139014; // double :initial_sensor_height = 2.124; // double :height_depth_units = "m"; :serial_number = "WAV 5314"; :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float :minimum = 1.090000033378601; // double :maximum = 8.6899995803833; // double float AGC_1202(time=6276, depth=24, lat=1, lon=1); :name = "AGC"; :long_name = "Average Echo Intensity (AGC)"; :generic_name = "AGC"; :units = "counts"; :FORTRAN_format = " "; :epic_code = 1202.0; // double :valid_range = " "; :sensor_type = "Nortek AWAC"; :sensor_depth = 10.72745204139014; // double :initial_sensor_height = 2.124; // double :height_depth_units = "m"; :serial_number = "WAV 5314"; :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float :minimum = 30.0; // double :maximum = 187.3333282470703; // double float Hdg_1215(time=6276, lat=1, lon=1); :name = "Hdg"; :long_name = "INST Heading "; :generic_name = "hdg"; :units = "degrees"; :FORTRAN_format = " "; :epic_code = 1215.0; // double :valid_range = 0.0, 360.0; // double :sensor_type = "Nortek AWAC"; :sensor_depth = 10.72745204139014; // double :initial_sensor_height = 2.124; // double :height_depth_units = "m"; :serial_number = "WAV 5314"; :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float :minimum = 313.7799987792969; // double :maximum = 330.67999267578125; // double float Ptch_1216(time=6276, lat=1, lon=1); :name = "Ptch"; :long_name = "INST Pitch "; :generic_name = "ptch"; :units = "degrees"; :FORTRAN_format = " "; :epic_code = 1216.0; // double :valid_range = -180.0, 180.0; // double :sensor_type = "Nortek AWAC"; :sensor_depth = 10.72745204139014; // double :initial_sensor_height = 2.124; // double :height_depth_units = "m"; :serial_number = "WAV 5314"; :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float :minimum = 0.30000001192092896; // double :maximum = 3.0999999046325684; // double float Roll_1217(time=6276, lat=1, lon=1); :name = "Roll"; :long_name = "INST Roll "; :generic_name = "roll"; :units = "degrees"; :FORTRAN_format = " "; :epic_code = 1217.0; // double :valid_range = -180.0, 180.0; // double :sensor_type = "Nortek AWAC"; :sensor_depth = 10.72745204139014; // double :initial_sensor_height = 2.124; // double :height_depth_units = "m"; :serial_number = "WAV 5314"; :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float :minimum = -1.2999999523162842; // double :maximum = 3.0; // double // global attributes: :SciPi = "J. Warner"; :PROJECT = "USGS Coastal Marine Geology Program"; :EXPERIMENT = "Fire Island 2014"; :DATA_SUBTYPE = "MOORED"; :DATA_ORIGIN = "USGS WHCMSC Sediment Transport Group"; :COORD_SYSTEM = "GEOGRAPHIC"; :Conventions = "PMEL/EPIC"; :MOORING = "989"; :WATER_DEPTH = 12.851452041390141; // double :WATER_DEPTH_NOTE = "(meters), ships fathometer"; :latitude = 40.62441; // double :longitude = -73.196137; // double :Deployment_date = "7-Feb-2014"; :Recovery_date = "5-May-2014"; :DATA_CMNT = " "; :platform_type = "minipod tripod"; :DRIFTER = 0.0; // double :POS_CONST = 0.0; // double :DEPTH_CONST = 0.0; // double :institution = "United States Geological Survey, Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center"; :institution_url = ""; :LatLonDatum = " "; :ClockError = 106.0; // double :transducer_offset_from_bottom = 2.142; // double :instrument_depth = 9.358; // double :initial_instrument_height = 2.124; // double :initial_instrument_height_note = "measured on dock"; :nominal_sensor_depth_note = "WATER_DEPTH-initial_instrument_height"; :nominal_sensor_depth = 9.358; // double :instrument_serial_number = "WPR 0430"; :inst_type = "Nortek AWAC"; :inst_height = 2.142; // double :pred_accuracy = 3.4; // double :metadatafile_name = "run9892AWAC"; :metadatafile_author = "MM"; :metadatafile_version = "0.0"; :trim_method = "Water Level"; :cutoff_ampl = 20.0; // double :filename = "9892aw"; :CREATION_DATE = "07-Oct-2016 14:00:18"; :INST_TYPE = "Nortek AWAC"; :WATER_DEPTH_datum = "MSL"; :WATER_DEPTH_source = "water depth = MSL from pressure sensor"; :DATA_TYPE = "unknown"; :WATER_MASS = "?"; :VAR_FILL = 1.0E35; // double :DESCRIPT = "Site 2"; :FILL_FLAG = 1.0; // double :COMPOSITE = 0.0; // double :DELTA_T = "1200"; :VAR_DESC = "u_1205:v_1206:w_1204:P_1:Tx_1211:AGC_1202:Hdg_1215:Ptch_1216:Roll_1217"; :history = "Current velocity profile output from Nortek Aquapro software translated to NetCDF by AWAC2ncNative"; :latitude_units = "degree_north"; :longitude_units = "degree_east"; :serial_number = 5314.0; // double :ADCPBinSize = 0.0; // double :modification_date = "07-Oct-2016 14:00:15"; :magnetic_variation_at_site = -13.42; // double :magnetic_variation_applied = -13.42; // double :start_time = "07-Feb-2014 15:12:00"; :stop_time = "05-May-2014 18:52:00"; :bin_count = 38.0; // double :bin_size = 0.5; // double :blanking_distance = 0.4; // double :center_first_bin = 0.9; // double :salinity_set_by_user = "32.0 ppt"; :salinity_set_by_user_units = "ppt"; :frequency = 1000.0; // double :beam_width = 1.7; // double :beam_pattern = "convex"; :beam_angle = 25.0; // double :ProfileInterval = 1200.0; // double :NumberOfCells = 38.0; // double :CellSize = 50.0; // double :AverageInterval = 60.0; // double :MeasurementLoad = "63 %"; :TransmitPulseLength = "0.50 m"; :BlankingDistance = 0.4; // double :WaveMeasurements = "ENABLED"; :AnalogPowerLevel = "HIGH"; :AnalogInput1 = "NONE"; :AnalogInput2 = "NONE"; :AnalogPowerOutput = "DISABLED"; :CoordinateSystem = "BEAM"; :SoundSpeed = "MEASURED"; :Salinity = "32.0 ppt"; :NumberOfBeams = 3.0; // double :NumberOfPingsPerBurst = 5.0; // double :SoftwareVersion = 1.42; // double :DeploymentName = "FI2014"; :DeploymentTime = "2/3/2014 8:51:30 AM"; :Comments = ""; :Frequency = 1000.0; // double :HeadSerialNumber = "WAV 5314"; :TransMatrix = 1.5774, 0.0, 0.3677, -0.7891, -1.3662, 0.3677, -0.7891, 1.3662, 0.3677; // double :BeamPattern = "convex"; :BeamAngle = 25.0; // double :BeamWidth = 1.7; // double :VelRange = 1000.0; // double :TempRange = -4.0, 40.0; // double :PressRange = 0.0, 100.0; // double :nominal_instrument_depth = 10.72745204139014; // double }