netcdf ocean-time-series/Stellwagen/EUROSTRATAFORM/711Hfan_raw.cdf { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED; // (167 currently) scan = 2322; points = 500; variables: int time(time=167); :units = "EPIC Julian Day"; :type = "EVEN"; :epic_code = 624S; // short int time2(time=167); :units = "msec since 0:00 GMT"; :type = "EVEN"; :epic_code = 624S; // short short scan(scan=2322); :units = "scan number"; :type = "EVEN"; short points(points=500); :units = "number of points"; :type = "EVEN"; float headangle(scan=2322); :long_name = "angle of xducer head during scan"; :units = "degrees relative to head orientation"; :valid_range = -180.0f, 180.0f; // float :_FillValue = 1.0E35f; // float :note1 = "headangle is computed from head_pos"; short profile_range(time=167, scan=2322); :long_name = "first value above threshold"; :units = "cm"; :valid_range = 0S, 2048S; // short :_FillValue = -32767S; // short :note1 = "profile_range is returned in each scan header: combined into a vector"; :note2 = "var_name matches Imagenex doc"; short head_pos(time=167, scan=2322); :long_name = "Head position during scan"; :units = "numeric location"; :valid_range = 0S, 5000S; // short :_FillValue = -32767S; // short :note1 = "head_pos is returned in each scan header: combined into a vector"; :note2 = "angle=deg/step*(head_pos-1400)"; short raw_image(time=167, points=500, scan=2322); :long_name = "sonar return echo intensity"; :units = "?"; :valid_range = 0S, 252S; // short :sensor_type = "Imagenex Model 881 Digital tilt adjust imaging sonar"; :_FillValue = -32767S; // short :scale_factor = 1S; // short :note1 = "raw image is matrix of return amplitudes as returned by logger"; short nDataBytes(scan=2322); :long_name = "number of data bytes/scan"; :units = "count"; :valid_range = 0S, 550S; // short :_FillValue = -32767S; // short :note1 = "nDataBytes is returned in each scan header: combined into a vector"; :note2 = "var_name matches Imagenex doc"; // global attributes: :CREATION_DATE = "20-May-2008 14:08:51"; :DATA_TYPE = "Sonar image data"; :DATA_SUBTYPE = "MOORED"; :DATA_ORIGIN = "USGS/WHSC"; :EXPERIMENT = "EuroStrataform PASTA"; :PROJECT = "ONR/USGS-WHSC Eurostrat"; :MOORING = 711.0f; // float :DELTA_T = "4984.9398 sec"; :COMPOSITE = 1.0f; // float :DATA_CMNT = " "; :POS_CONST = 0.0f; // float :DEPTH_CONST = 0.0f; // float :WATER_MASS = "?"; :DESCRIPT = "10-m Chienti ADCP/Sonar/Particle tripod"; :DRIFTER = 0.0f; // float :history = "Sonar data written to NetCDF by mkrawcdf, SVN $Revision: 856 $, using Matlab (R2007a); Sonar data downloaded from instrument"; :start_time = "08-Apr-2003 03:50:00"; :stop_time = "21-Apr-2003 22:50:00"; :latitude = 43.2969f; // float :longitude = 13.7566f; // float :magnetic_variation = 0.0f; // float :INST_TYPE = "Imagenex Model 881 Digital tilt adjust imaging sonar"; :Conventions = "EPIC"; :Deployment_date = "19-feb-2003"; :Recovery_date = "27-may-2003"; :COORD_SYSTEM = "GEOGRAPHIC"; :WATER_DEPTH = "9.10 M"; :VAR_FILL = 1.0E35f; // float :FILL_FLAG = 1.0f; // float :VAR_DESC = "points:scans:head_pos:Headangle:nDataBytes:profile_range:raw_image"; :magnetic_var = "2 #"; :metadata_author = "Ellyn Montgomery, USGS"; :Height = 0.56f; // float :FirstSonarDay = "08-Apr-2003"; :LastSonarDay = "21-Apr-2002"; :RootDataDir = "\\home\\data\\processing\\eurostrat_sonar\\711im\\711_IM_H"; :SonartoAnimate = "fan"; :datayear = 2003.0f; // float :sweep = 1.0f; // float :HeadID = 16.0; // double :Range = 5.0; // double :RangeOffset = 0.0; // double :RevHold = "Reverse Step Direction"; :MasterSlave = "Send Data Slave Mode"; :StartGain = 16.0; // double :LOGF = 20.0; // double :Absorption = 0.06; // double :TrainAngle = 0.0; // double :SectorWidth = 348.0; // double :StepSize = 0.15; // double :PulseLength = 10.0; // double :StepDirection = 0.0; // double :MoveRelative = 0.0; // double :DataPoints = 500.0; // double :DataBits = 8.0; // double :UpBaud = 6.0; // double :Profile = "OFF"; :Calibrate = "Calibrate"; :SwitchDelay = 2.0; // double :HeadType = "IGX"; :NDataBytes = 500.0; // double :NReturnBytes = 513.0; // double :NOTE = "vector variables combined from scan headers; names match Imagenex documentation of headers"; :OperatingFrequency = "1330 kHz"; }