netcdf ocean-time-series/Stellwagen/CHINCOTEAGUE/ { dimensions: time = UNLIMITED; // (8447 currently) lat = 1; lon = 1; depth = 1; variables: int time(time=8447); :long_name = "Time"; :units = "True Julian Day"; :type = "EVEN"; :epic_code = 624.0; // double int time2(time=8447); :long_name = "Time2"; :units = "msec since 00:00 GMT"; :type = "EVEN"; :epic_code = 624.0; // double double lat(lat=1); :units = "degrees_north"; :long_name = "Latitude"; :epic_code = 500.0; // double :datum = "NAD83"; double lon(lon=1); :units = "degrees_east"; :long_name = "Longitude"; :epic_code = 502.0; // double :datum = "NAD83"; double depth(depth=1); :positive = "down"; :long_name = "measurement depth"; :axis = "z"; :units = "m"; :epic_code = 3.0; // double double PAR_905(time=8447, lon=1, lat=1, depth=1); :long_name = "Photosynthetically active radiation"; :units = "micro Einsteins/m2/s"; :epic_code = 905.0; // double :serial_number = "454"; :height_depth_units = "m"; :initial_sensor_height = 0.45; // double :DATA_CMNT = "Counts at or below minimum threshold intermittenly for extended periods during deployment, indicating optics likely obscured possibly by wiper or foreign object, Values are average of 14 samples. Values less than 0.082398 replaced with fill value"; :minimum = 0.08246350018816595; // double :maximum = 455.38502182927283; // double :cal_Im = 1.3589; // double :cal_a0 = 3579.0; // double :cal_a1 = 2895.0; // double :cal_date = "12/18/2014"; :valid_range = 0.0, 100.0; // double :_FillValue = 1.0E35; // double :note = "After suspected ice formation (or or about 15-Feb-2015) data looks questionable; replace with fill value."; double dn(time=8447); :long_name = "Matlab datenum"; :units = "Days since Jan-0-0000 00:00:00"; // global attributes: :SciPi = "N. Ganju"; :PROJECT = "USGS Coastal Marine Geology Program"; :EXPERIMENT = "Estuarine physical response"; :DESCRIPTION = "site CB10, Tingle Is"; :DATA_SUBTYPE = "MOORED"; :DATA_ORIGIN = "USGS WHCMSC Sed Trans Group"; :COORD_SYSTEM = "GEOGRAPHIC"; :Conventions = "PMEL/EPIC"; :MOORING = "1028"; :WATER_DEPTH = 1.4; // double :WATER_DEPTH_NOTE = "(meters), nominal depth"; :latitude = 38.15835; // double :longitude = -75.21143; // double :magnetic_variation = -11.74; // double :Deployment_date = "23-Jan-2015"; :Recovery_date = "21-Apr-2015"; :DATA_CMNT = "Average values for each burst."; :platform_type = "SWIP"; :DRIFTER = 0.0; // double :POS_CONST = 0.0; // double :DEPTH_CONST = 0.0; // double :WATER_MASS = "Chincoteague Bay, VA/MD"; :VAR_FILL = 1.0E35; // double :institution = "United States Geological Survey, Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center"; :institution_url = ""; :initial_instrument_height = 0.45; // double :DELTA_T = 900.0; // double :FILL_FLAG = 1.0; // double :serial_number = "454"; :min_counts = 55.0; // double :VAR_DESC = "PAR"; :COMPOSITE = 0.0; // double :CREATION_DATE = "29-Apr-2016 14:53:18"; :start_time = "23-Jan-2015 17:00:06"; :stop_time = "21-Apr-2015 20:06:48"; :INST_TYPE = "WETLabs ECO-PARSB"; :history = "Replace questionable data with fill value, Trimmed using trunc_cdfNative, SVN $Revision: 3342 $ to select records in the range 161 to 8607. :created using PAR2ncNative in Matlab (R2014a)."; }