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U.S. Geological Survey Oceanographic Time-Series Data Collection

Monterey Canyon Experiment

Basic Sample Interval

"Basic Sample Interval" means the time interval at which the data were collected, thus the files served here have different time bases. Some files will contain data sampled every 5 minutes, while others contain data sampled every 60 minutes. The basic sample interval varies by instrument and deployment. The basic sample interval is listed in each file's global attributes as "DELTA_T" (in seconds). In the table, positive Latitude or Longitude indicates North or East.

File Name Start Date
End Date
(decimal degrees)
(decimal degrees)
Sensor Depth (meters) Water Depth (meters) Instrument Type Variables
4221-a.cdf 1993-08-03 1994-08-17 36.7233 -122.0350 746.0 806.0 VACM-tct temperature
4231-a.cdf 1993-08-03 1994-08-17 36.7195 -122.0125 770.0 1450.0 VACM-tct currents, temperature
4231att-a.cdf 1993-08-03 1994-08-17 36.7195 -122.0125 770.0 1450.0 transmissometer attenuation, temperature
4231cs-a.cdf 1993-08-06 1994-08-17 36.7195 -122.0125 770.0 1450.0 VACM-tct conductivity, salinity
4232-a.cdf 1993-08-03 2037-08-13 36.7195 -122.0125 1250.0 1450.0 VACM-tct currents, temperature
4233-a.cdf 2065-07-18 1994-06-24 36.7195 -122.0125 1350.0 1450.0 VACM-tct currents, temperature
4233att-a.cdf 1993-08-03 1994-06-24 36.7195 -122.0125 1350.0 1450.0 transmissometer attenuation, temperature
4233cs-a.cdf 1993-08-03 1994-06-24 36.7195 -122.0125 1350.0 1450.0 VACM-tct conductivity, salinity
4241-a.cdf 1993-08-03 2023-08-30 36.6333 -122.4128 1960.0 2420.0 VACM-tct currents, temperature
4241at1-a.cdf 1993-08-03 1993-10-22 36.6333 -122.4128 1960.0 2420.0 VACM-tct temperature
4241at2-a.cdf 1993-10-24 1994-08-18 36.6333 -122.4128 1960.0 2420.0 VACM-tct temperature
4241cs-a.cdf 1993-08-03 1994-08-18 36.6333 -122.4128 1960.0 2420.0 VACM-tct conductivity, salinity
4242-a.cdf 1993-08-03 1994-08-18 36.6333 -122.4128 2320.0 2420.0 VACM-tct currents, temperature
4242att-a.cdf 1993-08-03 1994-08-18 36.6333 -122.4128 2320.0 2420.0 transmissometer attenuation, temperature
4242cs-a.cdf 1993-08-03 1994-08-18 36.6333 -122.4128 2320.0 2420.0 VACM-tct conductivity, salinity
4251-a.cdf 1993-08-03 1994-08-18 36.5950 -122.3483 1990.0 2560.0 VACM-tct currents, temperature
4251att-a.cdf 1993-08-03 1994-08-18 36.5950 -122.3483 1990.0 2560.0 transmissometer attenuation, temperature
4251cs1-a.cdf 1993-08-03 1993-11-26 36.5950 -122.3483 1990.0 2560.0 VACM-tct conductivity, salinity
4251cs2-a.cdf 1993-12-16 1994-08-18 36.5950 -122.3483 1990.0 2560.0 VACM-tct conductivity, salinity
4252-a.cdf 1993-08-03 1994-08-18 36.5950 -122.3483 2350.0 2560.0 VACM-tct currents, temperature
4261-a.cdf 1993-08-03 1994-08-18 36.6078 -122.3688 1612.0 2837.0 VACM-tct currents, temperature
4262-a.cdf 1993-08-03 1994-08-18 36.6078 -122.3688 1982.0 2837.0 VACM-tct currents, temperature
4262att-a.cdf 1993-08-03 1994-08-18 36.6078 -122.3688 1982.0 2837.0 transmissometer atenuation, temperature
4262cs-a.cdf 1993-08-03 1994-08-18 36.6078 -122.3688 1982.0 2837.0 VACM-tct conductivity, salinity
4263-a.cdf 2060-06-05 1994-08-18 36.6078 -122.3688 2342.0 2837.0 VACM-tct currents, temperature
4264-a.cdf 1993-08-03 1994-08-18 36.6078 -122.3688 2737.0 2837.0 VACM-tct currents, temperature
4271-a.cdf 1993-08-05 1994-08-20 36.4578 -122.6255 3213.0 3223.0 VACM-tct currents, temperature
4441-a.cdf 1994-08-21 1995-05-15 37.4578 -122.6252 3175.0 3223.0 VACM-tct currents, temperature
4442-a.cdf 1994-08-21 1995-05-15 37.4578 -122.6252 3213.0 3223.0 VACM-tct currents, temperature
4442cs-a.cdf 1994-08-21 1995-05-15 37.4578 -122.6252 3213.0 54.0 VACM-tct conductivity, salinity


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